Baby Gender Tests in Malaysia

With the recent exciting baby boy news from the Malaysian former Prime Minister’s son-in-law, Khairy Jamaluddin, it is no wonder that there is a surge of interest in finding out the gender of your unborn child in Malaysia. Nori Abdullah, the wife of Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin gave birth to the couple’s third child, a boy. “I didn’t know the gender until the birth” said Khairy the proud father who already has two sons. But the couple were very happy and said ‘It’s a Boy’ !! News that would be music to most Malaysians ears.
It is very natural for a couple to think about the gender of their unborn child especially if they have had only girls or only boys and would like the other gender. Many couples now flock to Thailand for IVF where they have been able to choose the sex of the child by discarding fertilised eggs or embryos of the unwanted sex. Thailand is the last place in Asia where gender selection treatment is still available and legal. It can also be done legally in the USA and South Africa.
Dr Natasha Nor of KL Fertility Centre in Damansara says there have been requests for PGD, or pre implantation genetic diagnosis, to ‘create designer babies’, those with specific physical, social or sexgender and not for avoiding serious medical illness which is currently not legal in Malaysia. In Malaysia there is a high cost for IVF: it ranges from RM 10,000 to RM 18,000, depending on which type of procedure is chosen. The process can also reveal the embryo’s sex and fertilised eggs of the desiredunwanted gender can be rejected. Some women are not so fortunate to even become pregnant or afford the expensive process. Fate is cruel to those who are infertile. The clinic in Malaysia does not offer the procedure as the main demand for sex selection is for social reasons (most families want boys) and this is against the MMC guidelines and raises ethical concerns. Dr Natasha Nor has said that requests for PGD come from a vast age range of patients, from as young as 23 up to 47. There have also been studies that show that fertility among young Malaysians is declining and may lead to more seeking help though IVF.
So the news for Khairy and Nori was positive and luckily for them they got another son which it seems they wanted to complete their family. Some are not so fortunate. A senior medical officer from the Klang Valley says that ‘IVF has been offered since 2006 and PGD is not offered at government hospitals, is it available at private hospitals and medical centres but I heard they tend to bend the rules a little’ and he adds ‘that is why an act governing PGD is being devised, legal advisors are studying the issue now’.
Baby Gender Tests in Malaysia
Are you curious to know if you are expecting a baby boy or baby girl? International Biosciences offer baby gender prediction DNA testing with a maternal blood sample: the quickest, most accurate and reliable gender prediction test available on the market.
Our baby gender prediction test can be done as early as the 9th week of pregnancy. This test is non-invasive and pain-free; all you need to do is send us a blood sample collected on a piece of absorbent paper by piercing the tip of your finger with a sterile lancet.
Speak To International Biosciences About Baby Gender Tests
International Biosciences accept orders for Baby Gender Tests in Malaysia. Contact International Biosciences on1-800-817-246 or click here to email us.